Myanmar Singer, Thazin Perform for Lazy Club Live Concert in Korea
Myanmar Singer, Thazin in pretty hot black dress |
Here are some photos of Thazin while she was performing for Lazy Club Live in Korea Concert which was held on 21 September 2010 in Korea. Myanmar Singers; Thazin, Jenny, Chit Thu Wai, L Lone War, He' Lay and Khin Maung Toe performed for this concert together with Lazy Club Band.
Myanmar Singer : Thazin
Photographer : Thu Thu Aung
Photos From
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ReplyDeleteအေပးေတာ့ေကာင္းမဲ့ ပံုပဲ ကိုေက်ာ္ႀကီးရ ..
ReplyDeleteအင္း....တမ်ိဳးေလးေတာ ့ဖစ္သြားတယ္
ReplyDeleteေပါင္ ၂ေခ်ာင္း ၁၈၀ံ ကားၿပီးတဆံုးေဆာင့္ရမွာ...
ReplyDeletefucking girl, so many people fucked already, still ,sout pat ayar ko ma pyae bu,,, yar pyee yin yarr nay tot tar koo....ya , really i wanted to fuck her too...she is really fucking girl man
ReplyDeletei want to fuck ass hole.can i? u r pout pat , too big hole already.. i don't want .. i want u r ass hole..get it
ReplyDeletetrust me, i tell u, so many fucking man fucked, so big hole already...believe it man
ReplyDeleteshe is really phar.... ya higher class phar..ok
ReplyDeleteshe is not a good singer. her voice is really bad.
ReplyDeleteshe is good in acting..
အႏုပညာကို ခုတံုးလုပ္ၿပီး၊ ကိုယ္လုပ္ခ်င္တာလုပ္ေနတဲ့သူေတြ မ်ားလာၿပီ...
ReplyDeleteso cute မမ....
ReplyDeletelove you so much....♥♥♥