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Wyne Su Khine Thein's "Met Lout Sayar" Music Video Promotion Event
Myanmar Singer, Wyne Su Khine Thein who get success with first solo album Myanmar Singer, Sandi Myint Lwin together with Wyne Su Myanmar Singer, Sandi Myint Lwin Myanmar...
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အဆိုေၾကာင္ေတြပါကြာ ဆိုတတ္တာလည္းမဟုတ္ .........
ReplyDeleteThey are better then normal people. That y they become celebrity. Don't be jelious.
ReplyDeleteမည္သည္႔ဇာတ္ကားပဲရုိက္ရုိက္ မိမိနွစ္သက္တဲ႔အနုပညာရွင္ေတြကုိအၿမဲအားေပးတယ္...
ReplyDeleteနင္အားေပးခ်င္တာ ငါသိပါတယ္။
ReplyDeleteJust leave her alone as she is just doing her job. She wasn't the only one in that movie. Those Burmese people in US got nothing better to do. If they are so concerned about Politic, why don't they go back to Burma and voice out their issues rather than harassing the poor girl.
ReplyDeleteဒီမွာလည္း ဒီအေၾကာင္းပဲေနာ္...
ReplyDeleteOf course. This is a serious policy case. We need to send clear message to others celebrities through this girl. Whoever participate or cooperate with the world most brutal regime, they will face with protests. People iinside Burma cant show their will b/c of brutal crackdown. We are living in democratic country. No wonder they will face such protests. There are no excuses for going with junta. Soliders who killed monks also said they are afraid of the authority and just follow their orders. The truth of the matter is where do you stand justice or unjust side? Our dollars should spend for people's celebrities such as ko kyaw thu and ko zarganar.
ReplyDeleteစိတ္နဲ႕ဓာတ္ နဲ႕ၾကတယ္
ReplyDeleteအထက္ကပုဂိဳလ္ရ့ဲ ျပင္းျပင္းထန္ထန္ျပတ္ျပတ္သားသား ေ၀ဖန္ေျပာၾကား ခ်က္ကိုေတာ့ သေဘာက်ပါတယ္။ ဒါေပမယ့္ ခင္ဗ်ားက ျပည္တြင္းမွာ အႏုပညာရပ္တစ္ခုခုနဲ႔ အသက္ေမြးေၾကာင္းျပဳသူတစ္ဦး ဆိုပါဆို႔။ အလားတူ ပါ၀င္ပူေပါင္းေဆာင္ရြက္ရန္ အထက္လူၾကီးမ်ားက ေစခိုင္းျခင္း ခံရမယ္ဆိုပါစို႔။ ခင္ဗ်ားေရာ ခုေျပာေနသလို ျပတ္ျပတ္ သားသား သတိရွိရွိ ျငင္းဆန္ႏုိင္ပါ့မလား။ ခင္ဗ်ား ကိုယ္တုိင္က ျပည္ပေရာက္ေနလုိ႔ ဒီလိုကို ေျပာေနတာလား။ ဒါမွမဟုတ္ ပုဆိုးျခံဳျပီး လက္သီးျပတာနဲ႔မ်ား သြားတူေနလား။ ဒီေမးခြန္းေတြကေတာ့ နည္းနည္းစဥ္းစားစရာပါ။
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ေနာက္အဲဒီလိုမၿဖစ္ေစနဲ႔ေနာ္၊ ၿပည္သူေတြရဲ့ေမတာကိုအၿမဲခံယူနုိင္ပါေစ
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ထိုင္ခုံစြဲေနတဲ႔ လူေတြပဲ ေနရာေပ်ာက္မွာ စိုးရိမ္ေနၾကတာ chit
တုံ႔ၿပန္တဲ႔ အေတြးအေခၚမဲ႔ ေနမွန္းသိသာေနတယ္
ထိုင္ခုံစြဲ မရွိရင္ေတာ႔ sorry ေနာ္